301. Liesegang rings are found in:___________?
A. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst
B. Primordial cyst
C. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
D. Odontoma

302. Eruption cyst:______________?
A. Transforms into dentigerous cyst
B. Regresses after eruption of the tooth
C. Is found in the place of the missing tooth
D. Is a type of dentigerous cyst

303. Botryoid odontogenic cyst is a variant of:___________?
A. Lateral periodontal cyst
B. Apical periodontal cyst
C. Gingival cyst of new born
D. Gingival cysts of adult

304. Which of the following is a true neoplasm of functional cementoblasts:
A. Periapical cemental dysplasia
B. Familial cemental dysplasia
C. Benign cementoblastoma
D. Hypercementosis

305. Compound odontoma shows on a radiograph as:____________?
A. Supernumerary teeth
B. Radiolucent and radiopaque areas
C. Masses of calcified areas
D. Distinguishable tooth – like structures

306. Ameloblastoma most frequently occurs in:___________?
A. Mandibular moral region
B. Maxillary molar region
C. Mandibular premolar region
D. Maxillary premolar region

307. Bifid ribs, multiple radiolucent lesions of the jaws multiple basal cell nevi and flax cerebri calcification are found in:_____________?
A. Basal cell nevus syndrome
B. Sturge weber syndrome
C. Horner syndrome
D. Hereditary internal polyposis

308. All of the following lesions may be classified as Odontogenic Tumours EXCEPT:
A. Acanthomatous ameloblastoma
B. Branchial cleft cyst
C. Myxoma
D. Simple ameloblastoma

309. Fish Net pattern is pemphigus vulgaris is seen in which of the following tests?
A. Direct immunofluorescence
B. Tzanck smear
D. Histopathology

310. All of the following are inherited disorders of connective tissue EXCEPT:
A. Alport syndrome
B. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
C. Marfan syndrome
D. McArdle’s disease