2601. Which of the following can be existed without functional disability_____.

A. Radial head
B. Maximum olecranon
C. Fibula
D. All of the above *

2602. Which of the following is not a component of Monteggia fracture_______.

A. Fracture of upper ulna
B. Displacement of radial head
C. Paralysis of deep branch of radial nerve
D. Fracture of lower radius *

2603. Limb shortening with adduction and internal rotation occurs in which type of hop dislocation_______.

A. Anterior
B. Posterior *
C. Central
D. All of the above

2604. Arthroscopy is commonly done for disease of _________.

A. Knee *
B. Hip
C. Ankle
D. Elbow

2605. Which of the following is not true of Colle’s fracture________.

A. Fracture radius 2-3 cm proximal to wrist
B. Carpal tunnel syndrome due to ulnar nerve compression
C. Shoulder hand syndrome does not occur *
D. Late rupture of extensor pollicis longus may occur

2606. Avascular necrosis is a problem when fracture of scaphoid occurs through __________.

A. Waist
B. Proximal third *
C. Tubercle
D. All of the above sites

2607. Angulated fracture scaphoid is best diagnosed in ________.

A. Clinical examination
B. Oblique X-ray
C. Ct Scan *

2608. Fracture femora neck can be diagnosed from _________.

A. Limb shortening
B. External rotation
C. Abduction
D. A+B *

2609. What is not true intertrochanteric fracture ___________.

A. Limb shortening
B. Extreme rotation
C. Internal fixation is the treatment of choice
D. Nonunion is a danger *

2610. In subtrochanteric femur fracture, the proximal fragement is drawn into all except ________.

A. Flexion
B. Abduction
C. Adduction *
D. External rotation