2671. Commonest site of epistaxis is ____________.

A. Bony septum
B. little ‘s area *
C. Lateral wall
D. Superior turbinate

2672. Quinsy is mostly caused by ___________.

A. Streptococci *
B. Staphylococci
C. Pneumococci
D. Hemophilus

2673. Ear ossicle mostly affected is otosclerosis is _________.

A. Malleus
B. Incus
C. Stapes *
D. Temporal bone

2674. Lancinating pain around the tonsil during eating is suggestive of ________.

A. Trigeminal neuralgia
B. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia *
C. Quinsy
D. Internal jugular vein thrombosis

2675. Laryngeal stenosis is mostly due to _________.

A. Intubation
B. High tracheostomy *
C. Papillomatosis
D. None of the above

2676. Carcinoma in situ of larynx is treated by __________.

A. Radiotherapy *
B. Stripping
C. Partial laryngectomy
D. Only follow up

2677. Epistaxis in adults is commonly caused by ___________.

A. Hypertension
B. Angiofibroma
C. Nose pricking *
D. Platelet disorder

2678. Stridor in infants is mostly due to ___________.

A. Choanal atresia
B. Laryngeal stenosis
C. Laryngomalacia *
D. Laryngeal malignancy

2679. Sinusitis in children commonly affects which sinus __________.

A. Frontal
B. Maxillary *
C. Ethmoid
D. Sphenoid

2680. Secondary haemorrhage after tonsillectomy commonly occurs________.

A. 2 Hours after surgery
B. After 2 days
C. After 6 days *
D. After 6 weeks