2611. All are true of pyriformis is syndrome except ___________.

A. Low back pain
B. Point tenderness over sciatic notch
C. SLR positive
D. x-ray evidence of sacroiliitis *

2612. What is true of knee joint __________.

A. Hinge joint
B. Pivotal joint
C. Ball and socket joint
D. A+B *

2613. In cross section the semilunar cartilages of knee is _________.

A. Rhomboid
B. Trapezoid
C. Triangular *
D. Rectangular

2614. Which part of meniscus does not heal after tear________.

A. Peripheral
B. Inner *
C. Anterior end
D. Posterior end

2615. Pain, effusion and locking of knee signify __________.

A. Medial collateral ligament tear
B. Lateral collateral ligament tear
C. Meniscus tear *
D. Cruciate ligament tear

2616. The strongest ligament of ankle is __________.

A. Anterior talofibular
B. Calcaneofibular
C. Posterior talofibular *
D. Deltoid

2617. X-ray evidence of major ligamentous tear around ankle is likely when the cleft between talus and either malleolus exceeds ___________.

A. 2 mm
B. 4 mm *
C. 6 mm
D. 8 mm

2618. In tarsal tunnel syndrome, the nerve compressed is _________.

A. Lateral popliteal
B. Posterior tibial *
C. Anterior tibial
D. None of the above

2619. What is not true of March fracture ___________.

A. Occurs on the mouth of March *
B. 2 weeks of immobilization sufficient
C. Complete union is usually in 3 months
D. X-ray shows transverse fracture of second meta tarsal

2620. What is not true of flatfoot___________.

A. Flat foot is common before 4 years of age due to subcutaneous fat
B. Rigid flat foot in childhood is due to coalition of tarsal bones
C. Only painful flexible flat foot needs treatment
D. Surgical correction of osteotomy of calcaneus with transposition of tibialis posterior . *