2501. Radiologic signs of ischaemic colitis include ___________.

A. Thumb printing *
B. Colonic dilation
C. Small bowel dilation
D. All of the above

2502. Ischaemic colitis is least likely to involve__________.

A. Transverse colon
B. Ascending colon *
C. Descending colon
D. Sigmoid colon

2503. The most presenting feature of caecal carcinoma is ______.

A. Right iliac fossa mass
B. Abdominal pain
C. Intestinal obstruction
D. Anaemia *

2504. The most serious problem after splenectomy in children is ______.

A. Persistent anaemia
B. Overwhelming bacterial infection *
C. Thrombocytopenia
D. None of the above

2505. Location of splenic artery and vein is at ________.

A. Lower margin of pancreas
B. Upper margin of pancreas *
C. Uncinate process
D. Base of transverse mesocolon

2506. Which of the following is the most difficult problem faced by surgeon operating on liver trauma_________.

A. Associated laceration of gall baldder
B. Associated transection of CBD
C. Laceration of portal vein *
D. Laceration of hepatic artery

2507. The most common site of malignant tumours of the bile duct is _________.

A. Retroduodenal part of CBD
B. Common hepatic duct *
C. Supraduodenal part of CBD
D. Cystic duct

2508. The preferred shunt surgery of portal hypertension is _______.

A. Side to side portocaval shunt
B. End to side portocaval shunt
C. Distal spleno renal shunt *
D. Mesocaval shunt

2509. The anatomic division between right and left lobe of liver is _______.

A. Plane through falciform ligament
B. Through gall blader fossa inferiorly to fossa of IVC superiorly *
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

2510. The treatment of phlegmasia cerulea dolens is ________.

A. Nearly always surgical *
B. Anticoagulation
C. Low molecular weight dextran
D. Supportive