651. Which does not have a viral etiology______________?
A. Carcinoma Cervix
B. Hepatoma
C. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
D. Lymphoma

652. Viron is defined as______________?
A. Extracellular infectious virus particle
B. Smallest virus
C. A smallest particle similar to virus
D. None of the above

653. Viruses can be cultured in all except_______________?
A. Chick embryo
B. Blood agar
C. Guinea pigs
D. Cell culture

654. Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion disease manifests in_____________?
A. 1 week
B. 6 week
C. 3 months
D. 6 months

655. The Window period in HIV infection means______________?
A. The time lapse between the infection and detection of viral antibodies
B. The time lapse between the infection and development of AIDS
C. The time lapse between obtaining the sample and detection of virus in the lab
D. None of the above

656. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affets_______________?
A. Red blood cells
B. Fibroblasts
C. Helper T lymphocytes (CD4)
D. Mast cells

657. The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is_____________?
A. Aphthous stomatitis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
D. Herpetic gingivostomatitis

658. Influenza is caused by_____________?
A. Orthomyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
B. Paramyxo virus, which is a RNA virus
C. Paramyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
D. Orthomyxo virus, which is a RNA virus

659. Human immune deficiency virus is ________________ virus?
A. Rheo
B. Retro
C. Rhabdo
D. Flavi

660. Both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses_____________?
A. Pox virus
B. Measles virus
C. Hepatitis B virus