1421. Cranial nerver most commonly compressed by intracranial aneurysm______.

A. Oculomotor *
B. Facial
C. Trigeminal
D. Optic

1422. Posterior cerebral occlusion leads to memory loss due to involvement of ________.

A. Angular gyrus
B. Hippocampus *
C. Supramarginal gyrus
D. Superior temporal gyrus.

1423. Ipsilateral third nerve palsy wit hcontralateral hemi plegia is ________.

A. Benedict’s syndrome
B. Weber Syndrome *
C. Fovile syndrome
D. Millard Gulber syndrome

1424. Lateral medullary syndrome is due to thrombosis of _________.

A. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery *
B. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
C. Superior cerebellar artery
D. Any of the above.

1425. All are maligant tumors except _________.

A. Ependymoma
B. Astrocytoma
C. Glioma
D. Haemangioblastoma. *

1426. CSF spread of tumor is most common with ________.

A. Astrocytoma
B. Glioblastoma
C. Medulloblastoma *
D. Meningioma

1427. Neuro fibrillary tangles and plaques are seen in __________.

A. Alzheimer’s disease *
B. Pick Disease
C. Huntingotons’s Disease
D. Parkinsonism.

1428. Alzheimer’s disease typically effects ________.

A. Amygdala
B. Nucleus basalis of meynert *
C. Basal gangila
D. Parietal cortex.

1429. Normal pressure hydrocephalus presents wit all except ________.

A. Ataxia
B. Aphasia *
C. Incontinence
D. Dementia.

1430. In amyotropic lateral sclerosis the structure involved is _______.

A. Anterior and lateral column *
B. Posterior column
C. Myoneural Junction
D. Raphe nuclei