Fill in the BlanksĀ 

3221. Some historian state that if Hitler had not invaded Russian , He ________ the rest of the world:

A. Had conquer
B. Would conquer
C. Would have conquered *
D. Conquered

3222. Businessmen know that incentives _______ to increase our productivity :

A. Make us want *
B. Make us to want
C. Making us want
D. Makes us wanting

3223. Since more than 80 percent of all polio patients manage to get vaccinations only about 20% children must ___________ with polio :

A. Grow up *
B. To grow up
C. Growing up
D. Have grown up

3224. Just like humans animals also need a dentist ______ their teeth:

A. To fill *
B. Filled
C. Filling
D. To be filled

3225. If services are increased, automatically taxes _____________:

A. Will probably grow up *
B. Probably go
C. Probably up
D. Going up probably

3226. We observed over the years that people with little or no technical backgroun __________ to understand sign language :

A. Learn
B. Learned *
C. Learning
D. Learns

3227. Xenon _____ as a cooling agent because it is highly non reactive :

A . Used
B. Is used *
C. Is using
D. That it uses

3228. For chemists, an important characteristic of radioisotopes is that ___________ decaying occurs in half lives :

A. They
B. Them
C. They’re
D. Their *

3229. When you heat water to 212 degree F__________ as steam :

A. It will boil and escape *
B. It is boiling and escaping
C. It boil and escape
D. It would boil and escape

3230. It is necessary ______________ the approaches to an intersection the road designs, and the signals in such a way as to best accomodate the expected traffice flow :

A. Plan
B. To plan *
C. The plan
D. Planning