Active passive voice

1926. Some boys were helping the wounded man.

A. The wounded man is helped by few boys.
B. The wounded man was being helped by some boys *
C. Some boys helped the wounded man.
D. The wounded man were helped by some boys.

1927. He will finish the work in a fortnight.

A. The work will be finished by him in a fornight *
B. In a fortnight he will finish the work.
C. The work will have to be finished in a fortnight by him.
D. The work must be finished by him in a fortnight.

1928. Why did yor brother write such a letter ?

A. Why is such a letter written by your brother?
B. Why had your brother written such a letter?
C. Why was such a letter written by your brother ? *
D. Why should such a letter be written by your brother?

1929. I have been invited to the party .

A. Someone has invited me to the party . *
B. Someone has invited me to the party.
C. To a party I had been invited.
D. I am being invited to the party.

1930. The Romans expected to conquer egypt.

A. It was expected by the Romans that they will conquer egypt.
B. It was expected by the Romans they would conquer egypt. *
C. Egypt will be conquered , the romans hoped.
D. Romans thought that they would easily conquer egypt.

1931. Someone has picked my pocket.

A. My pocket has been picked up. *
B. Anybody picked my pocket.
C. My pocket is being picked.
D. My pocket had been picked by some one.

1932. Circumstances will oblige me to go.

A. I shall be obliged to go . *
B. I shall have to be obliged to go.
C. I shall not go except if the circumstances oblige me to go.
D. I shall go if circumstances oblige me to go.

1933. They showed the visitors the historical monuments of Lahore.

A. The visitors will be shown the historical monuments of Lahore.
B. The visitors were shown teh historical monuments of lahore. *
C. The historical monuments had been shown to the visitors.
D. The visitors would be shown the historical monuments of lahore.

1934. Students have elected him secretary of the union.

A. He is a elected secretary of the union.
B. He is being elected secretary of the union.
C. He has been elected secretary of the union. *
D. He had been elected secretary of the union.

1935. They fough a battle in the plain of panipat.

A. A battle was fought in the plain of panipat. *
B. A battle is fought in the plain of panipat.
C. In the plain of panipat they fight a battle.
D. A battle had fought in plain of panipat.