Articles -Nouns Relationship

3171.________UK is an important coalition partner of us :

A. A
B. An
C. The *
D. None of these

3172. Which one of the following is correct :

A. People go to church for communion on Sunday *
B. People go to the church for communion on Sunday
C. On Sundays, people take communion in a church.
D. On Sunday, people take communion at a church.

3173. Ahmad Faraz is _____ of Urdu poetry :

A. A william wordsworth
B. The william wordsworth *
C. William wordsworth
D. Some william wordsworth

3174. James sometimes visits____ to deliver lectures to the prisoners:

A. Jail
B. The Jail *
C. Prison
D. None of these

3175. He was listening to the news on:

A. The radio *
B. A radio
C. Radio
D. Some Radio

3176. Which one is correct ?

A. She was watching a talk show on the Tv. *
B: She was watching a television talk show.
C: She was watching a television talk show.
D. She was watching a talk show on Television

3177. We will meet at __________ tomorrow:

A. Lunch *
B. The Lunch
C. A Lunch
D. None of them

3178. The sears tower is ___________ tallest building in the US:

A. A
B. The *
C. An
D. None of these

3179. Pesahwar is _________ of pakistan :

A. The NewYork *
B. A Newyork
C. An Newyork
D. None of them

3180. __________ addresses the nation tonight :

A. The Prime Minister *
B. A Prime Minister
C. An Prime Minister
D. None of them