All these Agriculture MCQs are specially framed to strengthen the conceptual understanding of different agriculture topics. Solved MCQs of agriculture with answers covers multiple concepts such as General Agriculture MCQs, Basic Agriculture MCQs, Nutrition MCQs, Veterinary MCQs, Agriculture of Pakistan, horticulture in Pakistan, Agricultural Economics,  Animal Husbandry,  Food Technology, Plant Breeding and Genetics,  Soil Science,  Plant Pathology,  Horticulture, Agronomy MCQs,  Entomology, Seed Science – and much more. All these topics are chosen from trusted and best reference books on agriculture. These agriculture MCQs with answers are also helpful for the preparation of various interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations like nts, fpsc,ppsc, ots, kppsc, ztbl, etc. for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Statistics here.

191. “structural transformation of primary subsistence economy for economic development” war proposed by ?

A. Arthur Lewis
B. Keyne’s
C. Carl Marx
D. Rostow

192. The total number of people living below a specified minimum level of real income, an international poverty line, is called ?

A. Relative poor
B. Real poverty
C. Absolute poor
D. None

193. A measure of the real purchasing power of the community ?

A. Aggregate demand
B. Total effective demand
C. Total expenditure
D. All

194. The portion of economy consisting of Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing ?

A. Agricultural sector
B. Rural sector
C. Farm economy
D. All

195. A closed economy that attempts to be completely self-reliant ?

A. Amortization
B. Command economy
C. Autarchy
D. None

196. The attainment of literacy, arithmetic competence and elementary vocational skills ?

A. Basic qualifications
B. Basic education
C. Primary education
D. All

197. “All LDC’s require to take off into a period of self-sustaining economic growth is a massive investment program designed to promote rapid industrialization and the building up of economic infrastructure.” ?

A. Economic development theory
B. Big Push theory of development
C. Rostow’s development plan
D. Harod Domes model

198. Stocks of commodities held by the countries or international organizations to moderate the commodities price fluctuations ?

A. Black market
B. Buffer stocks
C. Capital stocks
D. Speculation

199. An organization of producers agreeing to limit the output of their product in an effort to raise prices and profit ?

A. Cartel
B. Capital account
C. Buffer stock
D. Capital account

200. The determination by the state, of what shall be produced and how factors of production shall be allocated among different uses ?

A. Circular flow model
B. Cognitive planning
C. Centralized planning
D. None