1391. Who is well known for conducting the stanford prison experiment ?

A. Rober Wayer
B. Robert Zajonc
C. Philip Zimbardo *
D. Gordon Allport

1392. Which one of the following is related with personality psychology ?

A. Robert Wayer
B. Robert Zajonc
C. Philip Zimbardo
D. Gordon Allport *

1393. Which one of the following is related with play Therapy?

A. Virginia Axline *
B. Albert Bandura
C. Geoffrey Beattle
D. Deirde Barret

1394. Who is known for his social learning theory ?

A. Virginia Axline
B. Albert Bandura *
C. Deirde Barret
D. Geoffrey Beattle

1395. Freud believed that at each psychosexual stage a different part of the body becomes :

A. ID-fixated
B. Archetypical
C. An erogenous zone *
D. A source of modeling

1396. Self-actualization refers to :

A. A tendency that causes human personality problems
B. What it is that makes certain men and women focus
C. Anyone who is making full use of his or her potentials *
D. The requirments necessary for becoming famous ,academically distinguished or rich

1397. The term personality refers to :

A. The heredity aspects of one’s emotional nature
B. Unique and enduring behavior patterns *
C. Favorable and unfavorable personal characteristics
D. Chrisma ,character, or temperament

1398. __________ theories stress private subjective experience and personal growth :

A. Trait
B. Humanistic *
C. Behavioristic
D. Psychodynamic

1399. The chief distinguishing feature of psychotic disorders is :

A. Confusion of fantasy and reality *
B. Antisocial conduct
C. Overwhelming anxiety
D. Obsessive behavior

1400. A common form of mental disorder afflicting 10-20% of the population is :

A. Schizophrenia
B. Senile dementia
C. Depression *
D. Delusional disorder