1051.Which of the following is not a clue for depth perception?

A.Orientation *
C.Reduced clarity
D.Linear perspective

1052.Psychophysics is the study of?

A.Depth perception
B.Perceptual illness
C.Movement perception
D.The psychological perception oh physical stimuli *

1053.Which of the following is a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system?

A.Brain and spinal cord
B.Only sympathetic nervous system
C.Only the parasympathetic nervous system
D.Both the sympathetic and Para-sympathetic nervous system *

1054. Which one of the following does not contribute to memory?

A.Interesting / disinteresting learning material
B.Goal behind learning
C.Gender *
D.Some rest after learning

1055. In terms of efficiency in scanning information, which one of the following strategies is considered to be the best?

A.Conservative focusing
B.Focus gambling
C.Simultaneous scanning *
D.Successive scanning

1056. According to Master and Johnson following is the correct sequence of human s..ual response ?

A.Excitement → Orgasm → Plateau → Resolution
B.Excitement → Plateau → Orgasm → Resolution
C.Excitement → Arousal → Orgasm → Resolution *
D.Arousal → Excitement → Orgasm → Resolution

1057.Lesions of the ventromedial nuclei in the hypothalamus produce?

B.Obesity *
C.Low level of Leptin

1058. When the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminals, it causes the release of?

A.An electric spark that sets off the next neuron
B.Positively charged ions that excite the next cell *
C.Negatively charged ions that inhibit the next cell.
D.Neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit the next cell.

1059. AIDS attack a number of very different population; young gay men, intravenous drug users, haemophiliacs, Haitians, infants and recipients of blood transfusion, but commonly among them is the decrease in T lymphocytes, so it is an example of?

A.Inductive reasoning *
B.Deductive reasoning
C.Analogical reasoning

1060. Muller-Lyer illusion is likely to occur more in cultures characterised by?

A.People living in rectangular and square buildings *
B.People living in buildings which are round and have few corners
C.People living in open spaces
D.People living in caves