941. A very useful principle of learning is that a new response is strengthened by:
A. Punishment
B. Reinforcement
C. Biofeedback
D. Discriminative Stimulus
E. None of the above

942. In continuous reinforcement schedule (CRF), every appropriate response:
A. Is reinforced
B. Is not reinforced
C. Is sometimes reinforced
D. Is an instinctive drift
E. None of the above

943. The continuous reinforcement schedule is generally used:
A. In the last part of training
B. In early stages of training
C. In the middle period of training
D. In both last and first part of training
E. None of the above

944. In real life, reinforcement of every response (CRF) is:
A. Of the nature of an exception rather than the rule
B. Impossible
C. Necessary
D. Not necessary
E. None of the above

945. Which schedule of reinforcement is a ratio schedule stating a ratio of responses to reinforcements?
A. Variable Ratio Schedule
B. Fixed Interval Schedule
C. Variable Interval Schedule
D. Fixed Ratio Schedule
E. None of the above

946. Respondents are elicited and operants are not elicited but they are:
A. Emitted spontaneously
B. Emitted voluntarily
C. Permanent responses
D. Temporary responses
E. None of the above

947. In which schedule of reinforcement, appro¬priate movements are reinforced after varying number of responses?
A. Fixed Ratio Schedule
B. Fixed Interval Schedule
C. Variable ratio Schedule
D. Variable Interval Schedule
E. None of the above

948. Which schedule of reinforcement does not specify any fixed number, rather states the requirement in terms of an average?
A. Variable Ratio Schedule
B. Fixed Ratio Schedule
C. Fixed Interval Schedule
D. Variable Interval Schedule
E. None of the above

949. As a rule, variable ratio schedule (VR) arrangements sustain:
A Low rates of responding
B. High rates of responding
C. Zero responding
D. 90% of responding
E. None of the above

950.Under conditions of variable ratio schedule, the only sensible way to obtain more reinforcements is through emitting:
A. 50% responses
B. 90% responses
C. Less number of responses
D. Greater number of responses
E. None of the above