1161. To over estimate the accuracy of one’s beliefs is :

A. The Belief Perseverance phenomenon
B. The Denial paradox
C. The overconfidence phenomenon *
D. The Hindsight bias

1162. The tendency to search for information that supports one’s preconceptions is :

A. Confirmation bias *
B. Hinsight Bias
C. An attribution error
D. The base-rate fallcy

1163. Imagining alternative scenarios and outcomes that might have happened but didn’t is :

A. Hindsight bias
B. Counterfactual thinking *
C. Denail Paradox
D. Inferential analysis

1164. The perception ofa relationship where none exist is :

A. Belief assimilation phenomenon
B. Illusory correlation *
C. The Kulechov effect
D. Distinctiveness fallacy

1165. Beth chooses loftey numbers for this week’s drawing. she illustrating a (n):

A. Availability heuristic
B. Over confidence phenomenon
C. Illusory corrletion
D. Illusion of control *

1166. The three dimensions of attitude are :

A. Aptitudes, behavior, and cognition
B. Affect,behavior and cognition *
C. Attraction, behavior, and compliance
D. Aptitudes ,Behavior, and cognition

1167. The procedure that fools people into disclosing their attitudes is :

A. Bogus pipeline *
B. Denial Paradox
C. Low-Ball Technique
D. Foot-in-the-doore Phenomenon

1168. In response to external circumstances ___________ people adjust their behavior:

A. Intelligent
B. Depressed
C. Self-Conscious *
D. Unintelligent

1169. A variation of the foot -in-the-door phenomenon is the :

A. Bogus technique
B. Low-Ball technique *
C. Self-monitoring technique
D. Justification technicque

1170. Sales people try to prevent customers from canceling their purchases by :

A. Calling everyday until the agreement is final
B. Having the customer fill out the sales agreement *
C. Enlisting them as satisfied customers
D. Giving them names and numbers of other satisfied customers