451. Psychodynamic determinism refers to:
A. Behaviour that is rules by forces over which we have no control
B. Behaviour that is preconscious in origin
C. Id impulses that will forever remain unfulfilled
D. The delimiting characteristics of the superego
E. None of these

452. According to Freudian, dream terminology, condensation refers to:
A. Repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression
B. The bizarre, irrational quality of dreams
C. The process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single dream image
D. The process whereby one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation
E. None of these

453. Group popularization is an affect whereby:
A. Extreme opinions in a group becomes moderate with increased group interaction
B. Group members moderate positions become polarized with increased group interaction
C. Group decisions represent an exaggeration of the group members initial positions
D. The group members’ main concern is to maintain unanimity and group cohesion
E. None of thes

454. Group think is unlikely to occur when which of the following factors is present?
A .There is a high degree of stress in the decision-making process
B. There are clear objective in the decision making process
C. The group is homogeneous in composition
D. The group is ideologically isolated
E. None of these

455. The study of the hereditary transmission of attributes is:
A. Heritability, biological traits
B. Genetics, genes
C. Adaptability, dominant and recessive traits
D. Mutation, differentiation
E. None of these

456. A male born with an extra Y chromosome, XYY, shows some evidence of increased aggressiveness and typically scores lower than normal on intelligence tests:
A. Turner’s syndrome
B. Supermale Syndrome
C. XXX syndrome
D. Klinefelter’s syndrome
E. None of these

457. The material of which chromosomes are composed is called:
A. Deoxyribonucleic acid
B. Genes
C. Atoms
D. Myelin
E. None of these

458. According to one definition, behavior is abnormal if it is:
A. Labeled as abnormal by the society in which the individual lives
B. Not under conscious control by the individual
C. Statistically typical
D. Adaptive to the individual
E. None of these

459. Anxiety disorders may be characterized by:
A. Psychotic symptoms
B. Low affect
C. Telegraphic thoughts
D. Somatic symptoms
E. None of these

460. Two examples of mood disorders are:
A. Major depression and generalized anxiety disorder
B. Obsessive compulsive disorder and manic-depressive disorder
C. Major depression and bipolar disorder
D. Major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder
E. None of these