1331. A major disadvantage of the experimental method is that :

A. Private funding can never by obtained
B. APA ethical review committees often do not approve of the research techniques
C. There is a certain amount of artificiality attached to it *
D. Finding subjects for research projects is difficult.

1332. A specialist establishes that the crime percentage in a huge city changes with the periods of the moon . He reasons that the gravitational draw of the moon impacts human way of behaving . He has committed what blunder ?

A. He Incorrectly inferred correlation from causation
B. He misinterpreted correlation as a cause *
C. He neglected to gauge the gravitational draw to test his speculation
D. He has overlooked the placebo effect

1333. Students who do better in high school tend to do better in college. This is an example of :

A. A negative correlation
B. A Zero correlation
C. A positive correlation *
D. A perfect correlation

1334. In the traditional learning experiment, the effect of practice on performance is investigated performance is the ______ variable :

A. Independent
B. Extraneous
C. Dependent *
D. Control

1335. In order to summarize or organize a series of observations in some meaningful way psychologists may develop :

A. Hypothesis
B. Experiments
C. Surveys
D. Theories*

1336. Basic ethical guidelines of psychological researchers include :

A. Ensuring that participation is involuntary
B. Harming the subjects when necessary
C. Minimizing confidentiality
D. Giving outcomes and translations to members *

1337. A simple experiment has two groups of subjects called :

A. The group that is dependent and the group that is independent
B. The incidental gathering and the autonomous gathering
C. The before group and the after group
D. The control group and th experimental group *

1338. An example of the ” experimenter effect ” would be a situation in which the experiment 38 :

A. Acts out the proper behavior for the subjects
B. Misdirects the subject concerning the genuine motivation behind the examination
C. Accidentally clues to subjects what is generally anticipated of them *
D. Plainly advises the subjects how to answer

1339. Which of the following is considered by the text to be pseudo-psychology ?

A. Cognitive psychology
B. Behaviorism
C. Gestalt psychology
D. Astrology *

1340. Who is the author of the first empirical measurement of love ?

A. Zick Rubin *
B. Boris sidis
C. Norbert Schwarz
D. Diederik stapel