1151. The theory of correspondent inferences states :

A. People infer that our intentions and dispositions correspond to those of other people.
B. People believe that the group’s intentions and dispositions match the intentions and dispositions of other people.
C. People believe that other people share similar values.
D. People believe that the intentions and dispositions of other people match their actions. *

1152. The tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influence upon other’s behavior is :

A. Correspondent inferences error
B. Cognitive bias error
C. Fundamental attribution error *
D. Inferential analysis error

1153. According to the “actor-observer difference,”

A. The situation is the center of attention when other people act.
B. When we act, we draw attention to ourselves.
C. We and the situation are the focus of attention when other people act.
D. When people act, the situation occupies the center of attention *

1154. People from Asian cultures are more likely than westerners to :

A. See self-serving reasons for their own actions
B. See situational reasons for someone else’s actions *
C. See other characteristics as the reason for their actions
D. See their own characteristics as the reason for their actions

1155. Correspondence bias is :

A. An illusory correlation
B. Counterfactual thinking
C. Fundamental attribution error *
D. Hindsight error

1156. People are less critical of information when it :

A. Supports their preferred conclusions *
B. Supports the conclusion of others
C. Points to errors in their reasoning
D. Points to strengths in other’s reasoning

1157. Persistence of one’s initial conceptions :

A. Belief perseverance *
B. Overconfidence phenomenon
C. Attribution theory
D. Cognitive conceit

1158. Memory Construction allows us to :

A. Revise our own histories *
B. Think automatically
C. Replicate reality
D. See the truth of the situation

1159. Misinformation effect is :

A. How the information is stored in brain ; *
B. How mental images are perceived;
C. How preconceptions shape interpretations.
D. The practice of recalling inaccurate information about an event

1160. Activating particular associations in memory is called :

A. Memory construction
B. Priming *
C. The availability heuristic
D. Belief assimilation phenomenon