1381. An industrial psychologist interested in human factors would most likely participated in :

A. The collection of bio-data
B. Vocational interest testing
C. an assessment center evaluation
D. Machine design *

1382. The fact that we can walk and chew gum at the same time illustrates that :

A. Our attention depends on different motor systems
B. WE use divided attention *
C. We use sequential attention
D. We use selective attention

1383. in Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, salivation was the :

A. Conditional response
B. Unconditional response *
C. Conditional stimulus
D. unconditional stimulus

1384. Operant conditioning was studied by :

A. Pavlov
B. Maslow
C. Freud
D. Skinner *

1385. Physical growth and development is called :

A. Readiness
B. Maturation *
C. Mobility
D. Heredity

1386. Piaget is mainly known for studying :

A. Language development
B. Sexual development
C. Social development
D. Cognitive development *

1387.__________ Intelligence test assets a wide variety of mental abilities :

B. Special
C. Multiple
D. General *

1388. According to freud , the key to mental health is :

A. An overpowering supergo
B. An unrestrained id
C. Dominance of the pleasure principle
D. Balance among mental processes *

1389. If self-esteem is too high , the person may be :

A. Boring
B. Ineffective
C. Dull
D. Arrogant *

1390. Behaviorists are to the external environment as humanists are to :

A. Stress
B. Personal growth *
C. Humankind
D. Internal conflicts