821. ____________________ is a Study of individual Behaviour
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. political science
D. sociology

822. ____________________ is a Study of Group Behaviour
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. physiology
D. sociology

823. _______________________ is a Study of man, his work and Culture
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Social psychology
D. sociology

824. ______________ focuses on the influence of people on one another
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Social psychology
D. sociology

825. The five personality traits as per Big Five Personality Traits are

A. Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientious, Emotional Stability, Openness to experience.
B. Extroversion, Agreeableness, Friendly, Emotional Stability, Openness to experience
C. Extroversion, Agreeableness, Courage, Friendly, Openness to experience
D. Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientious, Emotional Stability, Easy going

826. As per MBTI ___________ personality people take a laid back, relaxed approach. They’re flexible, open to change, and like to explore.
A. Introversion
B. Sensing
C. Perceiving
D. Thinking

827. MBTI stands for
A. Myers- Briggs Test indicator
B. Myers- Briggs Test investigator
C. Myers- Briggs Type indicator
D. Myers- Briggs Type investigator

828. Psychological process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment is definition of
A. Attitude
B. thinking
C. Perception
D. Personality

829. A Process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting, checking and reacting to sensory stimuli or data so as to form a meaningful and coherent picture of the world is
A. Attitude
B. thinking
C. Perception
D. Communication

830. The__________________ theory states that human mind will receive or accept only those information which it feels that it is relevant.
A. Perception theory
B. Selective Perception
C. relevance Theory
D. none of the above