1101. A motive to increase another’s welfare without conscious regard for one’s self Interests is :

A. Empathy
B. Reciprocity
C. Altruism *
D. A personal trait

1102. What is the best definition of psychology ?

A. Study of the mind
B. Study of personality and mental illness
C. Scientific study of behavior and mental processes *
D. None of these

1103. Who is considered the “Father of Psychology “?

A. Max Wertheimer
B. John Watson
C. Wilhelm Wundt *
D. Pavlov

1104. The word “Psychology” comes from the :

A. Greek *
B. Latin
C. Arabic
D. German

1105. The word “psychology” is derived from the Greek

A. Psyche and logia *
B. Pscyhy and logia
C. Psycho and logia
D. None of these

1106. Greek word Psyche meaning :

A. Breath, Spirit,Sole
B. Breath, Love, Soul
C. Breath, Spirit,Soul *
D. None of these

1107. Greek word logia meaning the :

A. Study of something *
B. life
C. Beauty of something
D. None of these

1108. The theory that human interactions are transactions that aim to maximize one’s reward is :

A. Social-Exchange theory *
B. Social-Interaction theory
C. Reciprocity theory
D. Social norms theory

1109. A motive to increase one’s own welfare is :

A.The illusion of control effect
B. achievement motivation
C. Self-Efficacy
D. Egoism *

1110. According to research by Daniel Batson altruism may have its basis in feelings of :

A. Guilt
B. Empathy *
C. Sadness
D. Happiness