951. In which schedule of reinforcement, the experimenter (E) reinforces the first correct response after a given length of dine?
A. Fixed Ratio Schedule
B. Fixed Interval Schedule
C. Variable Ratio Schedule
D. Variable Interval Schedule
E. None of the above

952. In our daily life, watching for the pot of milk to boil may be somewhat similar to the behaviour pattern observed in:
A. Fixed Interval Schedule
B. Fixed Ratio Schedule
C. Variable Ratio Schedule
D. Variable Interval Schedule
E. None of the above

953. In which schedule of reinforcement, the delay intervals vary as per a previously decided plan?
A. Fixed Ratio Schedule
B. Variable Ratio Schedule
C. Fixed Interval Schedule
D. Variable Interval Schedule
E. None of the above

954. In our daily life, any kind of looking for things which occur without any reference to our behaviour may illustrate the application of:
A. Variable Interval Schedule
B. Fixed Ratio
C. Variable Ratio Schedule
D. Fixed interval Schedule
E. None of the above

955. In case of continuous reinforcement, we get the least resistance to extinction and the:
A. Highest response rate during training
B. 50% response rate during training
C. Smallest response rate during training
D. 90% response rate during training
E. None of the above

956. The expression “Contingencies of reinforce¬ment” occurs frequently in:
A. Operant Conditioning Literature
B. Classical Conditioning Literature
C. Trial and Error Learning Literature
D. Latent Learning Literature
E. None of the above

957. Who elucidated the contiguity theory of reinforcement in the most pronounced and consistent manner?
A. C. Hull
B. Guthrie
C. Tolman
D. Mcdougall
E. J. B. Watson

958. In comparison with drive-reduction or need- reduction interpretation, stimulus intensity reduction theory has an added advantage in that:
A. It offers a unified account of primary and learned drives as also of primary and conditioned reinforcement
B. It is very precise and placed importance on Trial and Error Learning
C. It has some mathematical derivations which are conducive for learning theorists
D. All learning theories can be explained through this
E. None of the above

959. Who preferred to call Classical Conditioning” by the name of “Sign Learning”?
A. I. P. Pavlov
B. Mowrer
C. Miller
D. Guthrie
E. J. B. Watson

960. Which type of learning tells us what to do with the world and applies to what is commonly called habit formation?
A. Insightful Learning
B. Latent Learning
C. Trial and Error Learning
D. Instrumental Learning
E. Classical Conditioning