1181. Of the following , which one demonstrates that role playing can be constructive ?

A. Role reversal *
B. Social roles
C. Cultural norms
D. Gender norm

1182. The characteristics, whether biologically or socially influenced , by which people define male and female is :

A. Gender norm
B. Gender role
C. Gender assignment
D. Gender *

1183. The vicarious experience of another’s feelings is :

A. Co-evolution
B. Empathy *
C. Cultural roles
D. Cultural effect

1184. The world around, people rate men as more :

A. Dependent
B. Affectionate
C. Driven *
D. Emotional

1185. A set of behavior expectations for males and female is a :

A. Gender role *
B. Gender assignment
C. Gender bias
D. Gender empathy

1186. Differing gender roles across place and time illustrate :

A. Culture *
B. Gender assignment
C. Co-evolution
D. Behavioral genetics

1187. Wilhelm Wundt was a doctor and first psychologist, belonged to :

A. Switzerland
B. Germany *
C. America
D. England

1188. Clinical psychology is generally considered to have begun in :

A. 1892
B. 1893
C. 1894
D. 1896 *

1189. Clinical psychology was started with the opening of the first psychological clinic at :

A. University of Pennsylvania *
B. University of Leipzig
C. John Hopkins university
D. Comell University

1190. In which year Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychology laboratory ?

A. 1872
B. 1875
C. 1876
D. 1879 *