1211. The propensity to see one’s own gathering as better than others an as the norm for passing judgment on th worth of unfamiliar ways is known as :

A. Behaviorism
B. Ethnocentrism *
C. Humanism
D. Functionalism

1212. The investigation of the endocrine framework and hereditary instruments would doubtlessly be embraced by a :

A. Clinical Psychologist
B. Physiological Psychologist *
C. Social Psychologist
D. Educational Psychologist

1213. All of the following are goals of Psychology ?

A. Describe
B. Control
C. Predict
D. All of these *

1214. John is of the opinion that students are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity if they drink more. What objective of psychology is being pursued?

A. Explain
B. Control
C. Predict *
D. Describe

1215. Which goal of Psychology is the most powerful?

A. Describe
B. Explain
C. Control *
D. Predict

1216. When Edward Titchener founded a Psychology, Laboratory at cornell University , He used the approach called :

A. Behaviorism
B. Structuralism *
C. Functionalism
D. Psycho analysis

1217. Which early school of Psychology relied on introspection as a systematic way of gathering information ?

A. Gestalt
B. Psycho analysis
C. Functionalism
D. Structuralism *

1218. “Rather than rote learning , we believe i learning by doing ” This statement is reflective of which school of Psychology ?

A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism *
C. Behaviorism
D. Gestalt

1219. Which of the following early schools of psychology included emotions, self, will values, and even relegious and mystical experience ?

A. Functionalism *
B. Psycho analysis
C. Gestalt
D. Structuralism

1220. Who proposed competitor to leon Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory ?

A. Daryl Bern *
B. Peter Burke
C. Robert Cialdini
D. Leon Festinger