991. Mediation occurs when one member of an associated pair is linked to the other by means of:
A. A reinforcement
B. An intervening element
C. Generalization
D. Secondary reinforcement
E. None of the above

992. Zero transfer is otherwise known as:
A. Neutral Transfer
B. Positive Transfer
C. Negative Transfer
D. Bilateral Transfer
E. None of the above

993. Negative Transfer of Training is otherwise known as:
A. Neutral Transfer
B. Habit interference
C. Zero Transfer
D. Bilateral Transfer
E. None of the above

994. “If you do not like milk, you may not like all milk products like cheese butter, ghee and curd”. This is due to:
A. Generalization Gradient
B. Avoidance Learning
C. Biological Constraints
D. Transfer of Training
E. None of the above

995. Who told, “Although Classical Conditioning is a laboratory procedure, it is easy to find real world examples.”?
A. B.J. Underwood (1983)
B. G. H. Bower (1976)
C. C. B. Osgood (1957)
D. Kimble and Garmezy (1980)
E. Mcgeoch (1942)

996. According to Hull, a systematic behaviour or learning theory can be possible by happy amalgamation of the technique of condi¬tioning and the:
A. Law of Effect
B. Law of Exercise
C. Law of Frequency
D. Law of Recency
E. None of the above

997. The methods of verbal learning are important because:
A. The use of standard methods for learning makes comparisons of results possible
B. Rewards are not necessary here
C. They minimise the effect of punishment
D. Punishment has no effect on learning
E. None of the above

998. Positive transfer of training is possible with:
A. Dissimilar tasks
B. Motor tasks
C. Similar tasks
D. Verbal tasks
E. None of the above

999. A ‘Skinner Box’ is used for:
A. Motor learning
B. Verbal learning
C. Sensory learning
D. Problem Solving
E. Incidental learning

1000. Punishment is effective only when it weakens:
A. Undesirable response
B. Desirable response
C. Positive response
D. Negative response
E. None of the above