351. Coding of items helps in:
A. Handing of store items
B. Standardisation of drugs
C. Reduction of item
D. All the above

352. Alpha numerical codification is suitable for a :
A. Large scale organisation
B. Small scale organisation
C. Medium scale organisation
D. All the above

353. Selection of drug store site depends upon:
A. Cash in hand
B. Hospital proximity
C. Hygenicity of place
D. All the above

354. Price of a drug depends upon :
A. Cost of raw material
B. Govt. regulations
C. lts consumption
D. All the above

355. Purchase indent is an:
A. Internal document
B. Legal document
C. External document
D. Any of the above

356. Wholesalers deal in:
A. Small quantity of goods
B. Large quantity of goods
C. Better quantity of goods
D. All the above

357. Retailers deal in:
A. Small quantity of goods
B. Large quantity of goods
C. Better quantity of goods
D. All the above

358. A wholesaler serves as linkage between manufactures and :
A. Retailers
B. Consumer
C. Both retailer and consumer
D. None of the above

359. Ratailers have direct link with.:
A. Wholesalers
B. Consumer
C. Manufacturers
D. All of these

360. In a mail order bussiness, goods are sold on:
A. Cash
B. Credit
C. Both cash and credit basis
D. lnstalment basis