661. In line and staff organisation the staff performs the function of
A. Advising the management
B. Assigning responsibility
C. Management
D. None of the above

662. Planning function is mainly performed at
A. Top management level
B. Middle management level
C. Lower management level
D. None of the above

663. Which one of the following may not necessarily be an advantage of coordination?
A. Creative force
B. Unity of direction
C. Effective supervision
D. Summarisation of all management functions

664. Leadership is a function of all the following factors except
A. Leader
B. Situation
C. Work group
D. Product or service

665. Staffing includes –
A. Training
B. Appraisal
C. Placement
D. All of the above

666. Repeated use plans or standing plans include
A. Rules
B. Objectives and policies
C. Procedures and methods
D. All of the above

667. Span of controls means that –
A. A manager can supervise only a limited number of subordinates
B. An organization consists of various departments
C. Each person’s authority is clearly defined
D. Every subordinate has one superior

668. If the span of control is narrow, a number of managers would be required in each unit of the organization and there would be many managerial levels or layers, such an organizational structure is refer
A. Tall structure
B. Flat structure
C. Matrix structure
D. Project structure

669. The famous book ‘General and Industrial Management’ was written by
A. Maslow
B. Elton Mayo
C. Henri Fayol
D. Oliver Sheldon

670. Which of the following is not true in respect of planning?
A. Planning is forward-looking
B. Planning is an intellectual activity
C. Planning is related to objectives
D. Planning function is not performed by the top management