1281. Learning by observing and actually doing the job __________.

A. On the Job training *
B. Off the Job training
C. In depth training
D. Coaching

1282. A special are or room is used to give training fro large number of person within a short span of time________.

A. Class room training
B. Internship training
C. Apprentice training
D. Vestibule training *

1283. All formal procedures used in working organization to evaluate personalities and contributions and potential of group members is _________.

A. Job designing
B. Job evaluation
C. Merit rating *
D. Job planning

1284. Under this method certain categories of abilities are defined in advance such as excellent, verygood, outstanding etc______.

A. Ranking method
B. Grading method *
C. Paired comparison method
D. Graphic rating scale

1285. The technique developed to reduce bias and establish objective standards of comparison between individuals is _______.

A. Forced distribution method *
B. Grading method
C. Paired comparison method
D. Graphic rating scale

1286. The method used in government organization to appraise the employees________.

A. Ranking method
B. Grading method
C. Paired comparison method
D. Confidential report *

1287. The performance is judged in terms of costs and contribution of employee under ___________.

A. Behavioral anchored rating scales
B. Human resource accounting method *
D. Assessment centers

1288. The rating of an employee high or low on the basis of general impression__________.

A. Personal bias
B. In consistent rating
C. Average rating
D. Halo effect *

1289. It is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity order and meaning to a person’s life __________.

A. Career *
B. Career development
C. Career planning
D. None of the above

1290. The formulation and implementation of policies and programmes related to wages, salary and other forms of employees compensation _________.

A. Compensation
B. Supplementary compensation
C. Salary administration *
D. None of these