571. The type of authority is invested with the persons by virtue of the office held by them is ____.
A. The acceptance of authority theory.
B. The formal authority theory.
C. The competence theory.
D. The organisation theory.

572. The process whereby a manager shares his work and authority with his subordinates is________.
A. Decentralisation
B. Responsibility.
C. Delegation.
D. decision making.

573. The subordinate is granted authority to perform all the functions in his department or division is ____.
A. general delegation.
B. formal delegation.
C. specific delegation.
D. informal delegation.

574. The orders, instructions or direction are delegated to a particular person specifically is known as ____.
A. general delegation.
B. formal delegation.
C. specific delegation.
D. informal delegation.

575. When authority is delegated as per the organisation structure it is called ____.
A. formal delegation.
B. informal delegation.
C. general delegation.
D. specific delegation.

576. When an individual or a group agrees to work under the direction of an informal leader is called _____.
A. formal delegation.
B. informal delegation.
C. general delegation.
D. specific delegation.

577. Delegation made by written orders and instruction is known as ____.
A. oral delegation.
B. written delegation.
C. downward delegation.
D. sideward delegation.

578. Departmentation on the basis of activities grouped according to the type of customer is _____.
A. departmentation by function.
B. departmentation by products.
C. departmentation by territory.
D. departmentation by customers.

579. The process of dividing the large monolithic functional organization into small and flexible administrative units is called ____.
A. staffing.
B. delegation.
C. departmentation.
D. control.

580. Departmentation is a part of the ___.
A. organisation process.
B. control process.
C. planning process.
D. staffing process.

581. Banks, insurance companies and distribution agencies are examples of ____.
A. departmentation by function.
B. departmentation by products.
C. departmentation by territory.
D. departmentation by customers.

582. Departmentation on the basis of the production process is called ____.
A. equipment department.
B. departmentation by products.
C. departmentation by territory.
D. departmentation by customers.

583. The term span of management is also known as ____.
A. span of business.
B. span of control.
C. span of activity.
D. span of planning.

584. The number of subordinates that report directly to a single supervisor is ___.
A. span of supervision.
B. span of activity.
C. span of business.
D. span of organizing.

585. Few subordinates report directly to a manager is ____.
A. wide span of management.
B. large span of management.
C. small span of management.
D. narrow span of management.

586. Large number of subordinates report to a manager is ____.
A. wide span of management.
B. large span of management.
C. small span of management.
D. narrow span of management.

587. Making assignments, issuing orders and instructions, providing guidance and inspiration to subordinates for the achievement of organizational objective is called ___.
A. Planning.
B. Organizing.
C. Directing.
D. controlling.

588. Motivation based on force of fear is called ____.
A. negative motivation.
B. positive motivation.
C. extrinsic motivation.
D. intrinsic motivation

589. Wages, salaries, bonus, vacation pay, insurance are examples of ____.
A. financial motivation.
B. non-financial motivation.
C. extrinsic motivation.
D. intrinsic motivation.

590. Participation, recognition and power are some of the examples of ___.
A. financial motivation.
B. non-financial motivation.
C. extrinsic motivation.
D. intrinsic motivation.