591. ____ means that each section has its own workers to perform activities within the department.
A. centralisation.
B. departmentation.
C. decentralisation.
D. delegation.

592. According to Maslow, self-actualization needs is a ____.
A. high level needs.
B. medium level needs.
C. lower level needs.
D. psychological needs.

593. Expectancy motivation theory is given by ____.
A. Vroom.
B. Maslow.
C. Herzberg.
D. Mc Gregor.

594. Management By Objectives was introduced by _____.
A. Taylor.
B. Elton Mayo.
C. Peter Drucker.
D. Maslow.

595. Leadership behaviour is influenced by certain qualities of a person is ____.
A. Followers theory.
B. Trait theory.
C. Situational theory.
D. Managerial grid.

596. The leadership theory study leaders behaviour is _____.
A. Flowers theory.
B. Trait theory.
C. Behavioural theory.
D. Managerial grid.

597. All decision-making power is centralized in the leader is under ____.
A. autocratic style.
B. liberal leader.
C. democratic leader.
D. institutional leader.

598. The leader makes decisions in consultation with his followers is ____.
A. autocratic style.
B. liberal leader.
C. democratic leader.
D. institutional leader.

599. Complete freedom for group or individual decision, with a minimum of leader participation is under ____.
A. autocratic style.
B. democratic style.
C. free-rein style.
D. creative style.

600. A leader exercises his power over his followers because of his position held in the. Organizational hierarchy is ____.
A. autocratic leader.
B. intellectual leader.
C. liberal leader.
D. institutional leader.