91. What is intuitive decision making based on?
A. Guesswork
B. Gambling
C. Instinct
D. Rationality

92. Which of these does not form part of the key streams identified by March (1988) in decision making in highly ambiguous environments?
A. Expectations
B. Choice opportunities
C. Problems
D. Solutions

93. What assumption is the garbage can model of decision making based on?
A. Limited knowledge and great insight
B. Limited knowledge but high level of experience
C. Limited knowledge and uncertainty
D. Limited knowledge and high risk

94. What is the term for the ‘rule of thumb’ type of bias in decision making?
A. Framing bias
B. Hindsight bias
C. Over-confidence bias
D. Heuristics

95. What are workers primarily motivated by according to the instrumental approach?
A. Peer recognition
B. Promotion
C. Greater freedom
D. Economic reward

96. Which of the following motivators is the most basic need in Maslow’s hierarchy?
A. Safety
B. Belonging
C. Physiological
D. Esteem

97. Which one of the following is a feature of McGregor’s Theory X?
A. Workers enjoy responsibility.
B. Workers view physical and mental effort as a natural part of work.
C. Workers like to show initiative.
D. Workers like to be directed.

98. Hygiene factors are associated with which writer?
A. Frederick Hertzberg
B. D.C. McClelland
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Douglas McGregor

99. Of what is individual freedom to schedule work an example?
A. Job design
B. Job enrichment
C. Job rate
D. Job planning

100. What theory is built around the principle that ‘people make choices regarding how to behave based on values and beliefs’?
A. Expectancy
B. Instrumental
C. Classical
D. Contingency