1201. The book ” Function of executive ” was written by___________.

A. Henry Fayol
B. F.w. Taylor
C. Mary Parket Follet
D. Chester I Barnard *

1202. _______ is the character of communication, in a formal organization by virtue of which it is accepted by a member of the organization as governing the action he contributes.

A. Responsiblity
B. Authority *
C. Accountability
D. Power

1203. ______ developed the ” Need Hierarchy Theory” to explain human behaviour within an organization________.

A. A.H.Maslow *
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg
D. Rensis Likert

1204. The two factor theory of motivation was developed by ________.

A. A.H.Maslow
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg *
D. Rensis Likert

1205. Theory X and Theory Y was developed by___________.

A. A.H.Maslow
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor *
C. Herzberg
D. Rensis Likert

1206. __________treats the organization as a complex system based on the principles of supporting relationships in which decision making,leadership,motivation, communication and control move together_______.

A. A.H.Maslow
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg
D. Rensis Likert *

1207. _____ has given the concept of administrative man as the model for decision making _______.

A. A.H.Maslow
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg
D. Herbert Simon *

1208. ___________Developed the concept of management by objectives_____.

A. A.H.Maslow
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg
D. Peter. F. Drucker *

1209. Motivation hygiene theory was developed by_________

A. A.H.Maslow
B. Douglas. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg *
D. Herbert Simon

1210. Management according to _________ approach is the study of practical experience of managers and hence such a study would proide a better understanding to the effective way of managing and enterprise_______.

A. Empirical *
B. Managment Science
C. Contingency
D. Operational