591. A mass spectrograph (spectrometer) sorts out____________?
A. Molecules
B. Ions
C. Elements
D. Isotopes

592. Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is______________?
A. Smaller
B. Greater than 82
C. Same
D. Sometimes smaller some times greater

593. An alpha particle is emitted from 88Ra226. What is the mass and atomic number of the daughter nucleus ?
A. 224 – 84
B. 220 – 80
C. 222 – 86
D. 226 – 87

594. The unit of radioactivity curie is equal to_________________?
A. 3.74 x 109 disintegration per sec
B. 3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec
C. 3.55 x 1010 disintegration per sec
D. 3.60 x 1010 disintegration per sec

595. The unit of radioactivity curie is equal to________________?
A. 3.74 x 109 disintegration per sec
B. 3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec
C. 3.55 x 1010 disintegration per sec
D. 3.60 x 1010 disintegration per sec

596. During the fission process a large amount of______________?
A. Heat energy is released
B. Nuclear energy is released
C. Chemical energy is released
D. Light energy is released

597. Ina liquid metal fast breeder reactor, the type of uranium used is______________?
A. 92U235
B. 92U238
C. 92U234
D. 92U239

598. Radioactive materials can be identified by measuring their_______________?
A. Hardness
B. Density
C. Mass
D. Half life

599. If one or more of the neutrons emitted during fission cab be used to build up further fission then the reaction is self-sustained and is known as __________________?
A. Fission reaction
B. Fusion reaction
C. Chain reaction
D. Chemical reaction

600. Pair production takes place in the vicinity of a heavy nucleus so that_____________?
A. Net energy is conserved
B. Net charge is conserved
C. Net momentum is conserved
D. All of the above