Academic task provides MCQs of Physics from Basic to Advance, so that you can prepare accordingly. Physics Mcqs section is useful for both students and job seekers i.e MCAT ECAT ETEA test preparation, PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test, BPSC Test, other competitive and entry test preparations. Here you will find physics MCQs and answers with detailed explanations. MCQs of Physics include basic physics MCQs, Measurements MCQs, Vectors And Equilibrium MCQs, Work and Energy MCQs, Motion and Force MCQs, Circular Motion MCQs, Fluid Dynamics MCQs, Waves MCQs, Heat and Thermodynamics MCQs, Current Electricity MCQs, Electrostatics MCQs, Electromagnetism MCQs, Electromagnetic Induction MCQs, Alternating Current MCQs, Nuclear Physics MCQs, etc.

11. Which shows the correct relation between time of flight T and maximum height H ?

A. H=gT2/8
B. H=8T2/g
C. H=8g/T2
D. H=gT2

12. Taking off rocket can be explained by __________________?

A. 1st law of motion
B. 2nd law of motion
C. Law of conservation of momentum
D. law of conservation of energy

13. What is the angle of projection for which the range and maximum height become equal ?

A. tan-1 ¼
B. tan-1 4
C. tan-1 ½
D. tan-1 2

14. Distance covered by a freely falling body in 2 seconds will be__________________?

A. 4.9 m
B. 19.6 m
C. 39.2 m
D. 44.1 m

15. Flight of a rocket in the space is an example of______________________?

A. second law of motion
B. third law of motion
C. first law of motion
D. law of gravitation

16. At which angle the range of the projectile is maximum____________________?

A. 45
B. 60
C. 30
D. none

17. Time rate of change of momentum is equal to____________________?

A. force
B. impulse
C. velocity
D. both A and C

18. Why Ballistic missile fails in some circumstances of precision ?

A. due to their shape
B. due to air resistance
C. due to angle of projection
D. all of these

19. A body is moving with uniform velocity. Its______________________?

A. speed changes
B. acceleration changes
C. direction of motion changes
D. displacement from origin changes

20. When velocity time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis then__________________?

A. acceleration is const
B. acceleration is variable
C. acceleration is zero
D. velocity is zero