Academictask provides MCQs of Physics from Basic to Advance, so that you can prepare accordingly. Physics Mcqs section is useful for both students and job seekers i.e MCAT ECAT ETEA test preparation, PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test, BPSC Test, other competitive and entry test preparations. Here you will find physics MCQs and answers with detailed explanations. MCQs of Physics include basic physics MCQs, Measurements MCQs, Vectors And Equilibrium MCQs, Work and Energy MCQs, Motion and Force MCQs, Circular Motion MCQs, Fluid Dynamics MCQs, Waves MCQs, Heat and Thermodynamics MCQs, Current Electricity MCQs, Electrostatics MCQs, Electromagnetism MCQs, Electromagnetic Induction MCQs, Alternating Current MCQs, Nuclear Physics MCQs, etc.

171. The consumption of energy by a 60 watt bulb in 2 sec is_________________?

A. 120 J
B. 60 J
C. 30 J
D. 0.02 J

172. The escape velocity form the earth surface in km S-1 is____________________?

A. 4.2 km S-1
B. 7.5 km S-1
C. 9.5 km S-1
D. 1.1 km S-1

173. If moon radius is 1600 km and g on its surface is 1.6 ms-2 then the escape velocity on the moon is ___________________?

A. 1600 ms-1
B. 50.6 ms-1
C. 71.6 ms-1
D. 2263ms-1

174. When arrow is released form its bow, its energy is transformed from _____________________?

A. heat energy to K.E
B. elastic P.E to K.E
C. elemical energy to elastic P.E
D. K.E to elastic P.E.

175. The work done by friction is__________________?

A. positive
B. negative
C. zero
D. none of these

176. The escape velocity of a body in gravitational field of earth is independent of__________________?

A. its mass
B. the angle at which it is thrown
C. both its mass and the angle at which it is thrown
D. gravitational field of earth

177. The source of geothermal energy is___________________?

A. decay of radioactive element in the earth
B. compression of material in the earth
C. residual lost of the earth
D. all as said in A – B and C

178. Work done by the force of friction is____________________?

A. always positive
B. always negative
C. positive only for small frictional force
D. positive only for large frictional force

179. If velocity is doubled then__________________?

A. momentum increases 4 times and K.E increases 2 times
B. momentum and K.E. remain same
C. momentum increases 2 times and K.E increases constant
D. momentum increases 2 times and K.E increases 4 time

180. Which of the following is not conservative force_________________?

A. friction
B. electric
C. gravitational
D. magnetic