711. Find the average of first 97 natural number

D.49 *

712. Which of the following numbers can be removed from the S (0,2,4,5,9) without change the average of set S.

C.4 *

713. Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is Rs.36. The average cost of 7 apples and 8 magnoes is Rs.48. Find the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes.

B.2088 *

714. 1.14 expressed as a percentage of 1.9 is:

C.60% *

715. In a circular flow model, the real variables are:

A.money that flows from the factor market to the households
B.only the goods and services that are produced
C.only the resources that are used
D.both the goods and services produced and the resources that are used *

716. Income and revenues that are created within a country

A.always will remain within that country
B.can leave that country only when goods are exported
C.can leave that country when goods are imported *
D.can leave that country when capital flows into that country’s financial institutions

717. The three fundamental questions of economic organization are:

A.when.for whom, and how
B.how,what,and for whom *
C.who,how,and when
D.what,who,and why

718. The ultimate effect of the “invinsible hand” of Adam Smith is that, in a competitive economy, everyone:

A.benefits if each acts in his/her own interest *
B.will increase their profits in a free market
C.should act to maximize economic growth
D.should act to promote the public interest


719. In a free-market economy the allocation of resources is determined by:

A.votes taken by consumers
B.a central planning authority
C.by consumer preferences *
D.the level of profits of firms

720. The growth of an economy is indicated by an:

A.increase in savings
B.increase in investment
C.increase in genral prices
D.increase in national income *