Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Academic task offering 2000+ Sociology MCQs for the preparation of different schools, colleges, and universities examinations to get good marks. Solved sociology mcqs cover multiple topics such as modern family sociology, ecclesia sociology, interactionalist theory, poverty line sociology, absolute poverty sociology, symbolic interactionist theory, common sense sociology, dependency theory sociology, Criminology, white collar crime sociology, mass society theory, Social Problems in Pakistan, Social Control, Cultural change and Social Policy, Methods of Sociological Research, Social Interaction  – and much more. These sociology multiple choice questions are also helpful for the preparation of various interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and jobs like PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC Lecturer’s jobs, CSS Sociology officers, etc. for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Statistics here.

231. Turning points, a which people change direction in the course of their lives are_______________?
A. age norms
B. life events
C. social clocks
D. remarkably similar for men and women

232. The theoretical perspective that views social life as similar to performances staged in a theater is called_______________?
A. impression management
B. the Thomas theorem
C. the looking -glass self
D. the dramaturgical approach

233. Kaleem walks into the classroom just as another student has told the punchline to a very funny joke The room explodes in laughter Kaleem quickly checks to see that his shirt is buttoned correctly and that there is no toilet tissue clinging to her shoe Once he realizes the class isn,t laughing at him he settles down in his seat and asks the classmate to re-tell the joke This is an example of______________?
A. esoteric social readjustment
B. an egocentric bias
C. the looking -glass self
D. the formation of the self

234. A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior determine the probability of its future occurrence is called______________?
A. conditioning
B. personal efficacy
C. reflexive behavior
D. egocentric bias

235. Abstract sediments are________________?
A. closer to the center of the self than the moral rules
B. provide a focus for allegiance
C. are compellers of action
D. None of these

236. The most pervasive of the social processes are________________?
A. Religious ritual
B. changelessness
C. idealized ways of thinking and doing
D. None of these

237. Which one of the following does Chodorow NOT argue is a consequence for boys and men of separating from their early attachment to their mother ?
A. feeling their self-esteem threatened by the lack a close relationship
B. learning that to be a man is to reject being like a woman
C. feeling endangered by close intimate emotional relationships
D. developing a detached and analytical approach to the world

238. Marxist feminists explain patriarchy in terms of_________________?
A. a lack of equal rights and opportunities for men and women
B. sex classes through which men oppress women economically politically and sexually
C. women’s domestic labor being exploited by the capitalist econorny
D. the dual systems of capitalist and male domination

239. Socialization is______________?
A. the formation of an attachment bond between an infant and its career
B. a tendency of social theorists to explain everything in terms of social causes
C. the process of becoming part of a society by learning its norms and values
D. the historical process by which societies change from traditional to modern

240. What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and become members of society____________?
A. rationalization
B. colonization
C. McDonaldization
D. socialization