1321. A group or category to which people feel they donot belong is called :

A. Open Group
B. In-Group
C. Out-Group *
D. None of these

1322. Contemporary Sociological Theories ” was written by :

A. Ogbum and Nimkoff
B. Cuber
C. Pitim Sorokin *
D. Merton

1323. The book” Anthropology” was composed by :

A. Cuber
B. Ogbum and Nimkoff *
C. Hoebel
D. Robert and Merton

1324. Indigenous medical care means :

A. Cure by home medicine
B. By swallowing herbs
C. Treatment by Hakeem
D. Medical care by local medication *

1325. Scientific social construction means :

A. Establishing a scientific society
B. By a local welfare body
C. Master degree science expert
D. Push-in drugs for earning booty *

1326. Drug dependence means :

A. Earning by selling drugs
B. Family livelihood drug manufacture
C. Depend on drugs as addict *
D. Push in drugs for eaming booty

1327. Sociology is the :

A. Objective study of human interaction *
B. Science of human mind
C. Study of ethnic groups
D. Analysis of human nature

1328. Devolution means :

A. Accelerated revolution
B. Purging the revolutionaries
C. The antonym of revolution *
D. Socio-economic confusion with political upheaval

1329. Etiology of deviance means :

A. Study of causes of violation of official norms *
B. Crime data
C. Correcting deviant minds
D. Court findings to punish the accused

1330. A wedding band is an example of a :

A. Status symbol *
B. Stigma
C. Stereotype
D. Master status