1131. Karl Marx’s term for the capitalist class, comprising the owners of the means of production is called :

A. Leadership
B. Bourgeoisie *
C. Capitalism
D. None of these

1132. According to Hegel assimilation is :

A. A person not a result
B. A person as well as result
C. A result and not a process *
D. All of these

1133. An association is characterized by :

A. Norms
B. Customs
C. Folkways *
D. Usage

1134. Man is a social animal, who said ?

A. Ibn-i-khaldun
B. Aristotle *
C. Max weber
D. Al-Ghazali

1135. Difficulties that occur when incompatible expectations arise from two or more social positions held by the same person is called:

A. Role Conflict *
B. Contradict
C. Asylum
D. None of these

1136. The Notion that criminal victimization increases when there is a convergence of motivated offenders and suitable targets is called :

A. Social Lag theory
B. Social group theory
C. Labeling theory
D. Routine activities theory *

1137. Who advocated the philosophical approach called idealism for understanding society ?

A. Anguste comte
B. Max weber *
C. George simmel
D. Robert Park

1138. The study of spatial distribution of social groups the physical complexion and patterns of growth of an urban community is known as :

A. Urban Geography *
B. Urban Morphology
C. Urban Ecology
D. Urban Topology

1139. Demography falls within the realm of sociology because :

A. Population as a factor can explain the process of economic development
B. It can help in the understanding of political process operating in the society
C. Population as independent variable can explain the social structure of the society
D. All of the above

1140. Which muslim philosopher was famous as founder of sociology ?

A. Imam Ghazali
B. Parsons
C. Ibn-i-Khaldun *
D. Wright Mills