1301. The requirment that people select mates outside certain groups is called :

A. Exogamy *
B. Polyandry
C. Monogamy
D. None of these

1302. The aggregate of people is :

A. Society *
B. Insitution
C. Culture
D. None of these

1303. The set of interrelated norms is :

A. Society
B. Institution *
C. Culture
D. None of these

1304. Primary relationships are characterised in one of the following ways :

A. Display of goals *
B. Major concern centres upon specific functions fulfilled
C. Involvement of the total self
D. Relationship itself is not regarded as important

1305. Human and animal societies differ in one characteristic:

A. Shared beliefs
B. Population and common territory *
C. Division of labour
D. Persistence in time

1306. Conflict is most likely to arise as a result of :

A. Prejudice
B. Clash of interests *
C. Hatred
D. Radicalism

1307. The population of the world is expected to double in :

A. 25 Years
B. 35 Years
C. 45 Years *
D. 65 Years

1308. A society’s system of is the pattern of pressure it exerts to keep order and establish rules.

A. Social approval
B. Group
C. Public opinion
D. Social control *

1309. When one part of the culture develops more rapidly than other parts, the following description is made :

A. Accommodation
B. Cultural lag *
C. Cultural accumulation
D. Revolution

1310. The following people came up with the idea of anomie and that it is a characteristic that is prominent in town life:

A. Durkheim *
B. Reisman
C. Tonnes
D. Comte