611. What proportion of malnourished children under the age of five in the world,s low-and middle-income countries live in countries that actually produce a food surplus ?
A. less than 10%
B. around 25%
C. around 50%
D. more than 75%

612. What percentage of the global population lives in What the World Bank describes as high-income countries ?
A. 50%
B. 22%
C. 35%
D. 15%

613. Which of the following is NOT an INGO ?
A. Greenpeace
B. international Telegraph Union
C. Amnesty International
D. The Red Cross

614. Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyper globalizers ?
A. citizens lose faith in existing systems of governance
B. globalization needs to happen much more quickly
C. individual countries no longer control their own economies
D. regional institutions are becoming as powerful as nation-states

615. Cultural relativism is the idea that societies have to be studied in terms of them_____________?
A. own meanings and values
B. family and kin relationships
C. artistic and literary production
D. religious and spiritual beliefs

616. Which of the following is a true statement ?
A. human beings have existed on earth for about half a million years
B. agriculture is only around twelve thousand years old
C. civilizations date back around six thousand years
D. all of the above

617. In 2013 which world region had the lowest proportion of Internet users per head of population but also the fastest rate of growth users ?
A. Middle East
B. Asia
C. Oceania/Australia
D. Africa

618. What proportion of world trade is accounted for by transnational corporations ?
A. four fifths
B. two thirds
C. one quarter
D. half

619. which definition best describes the process of globalization ?
A. capitalist companies are spreading across the planet
B. we all now live in a single society
C. individuals’ groups and nations are becoming more interdependent
D. human beings now live on every continent of the planet

620. In what type of society have human beings lived for the majority of the time humans have been on planet Earth ?
A. agrarian societies
B. pastoral societies
C. hunter-gatherer societies
D. industrial societies