441. According to the United States Department of Labor about _______ percent of “downsized “employees find new jabs ?
A. 75
B. 14
C. 19
D. 28

442. While predictions are not always reliable sociologists and labor specialists foresee a workforce increasingly composed of_____________?
A. women
B. racial minorities
C. ethnic minorities
D. all of the above

443. Education of women is the most important step in_____________?
A. coping illiteracy
B. Eradicating poverty
C. Controlling Population
D. None of these

444. Pakistanis population was only_______ million at the time of Independence?
A. 33
B. 40
C. 25
D. None of these

445. One the positive side population also provides ?
A. Low cast labor
B. Work force
C. technological advancement
D. None of these

446. Total inhabitants of an area at a given time is termed as_____________?
A. community
B. Society
C. Population
D. None of these

447. According to the World Bank which of these is a middle-income country ?
A. India
B. China
C. Indonesia
D. Vietnam

448. Global economic inequality refers primarily to_____________?
A. systematic differences in wealth and income between global firms
B. systematic differences in wealth and income between countries
C. systematic differences in wealth and income within countries
D. systematic differences in wealth and income between poorer countries

449. Which of these is not an example of social exclusion ?
A. tax avoidance
B. gated communities
C. homelessness
D. none of the above

450. Median earnings are a better benchmark for poverty than mean earnings because_____________?
A. the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution
B. they lead more people to be defined as in poverty
C. the median is a more accurate measurement of earning than the mean
D. all of the above