481. In the division of Labor in Society Emile Durkheim presented the idea of______________?
A. Mechanical and organic solidarity
B. Physical and social solidarity
C. physiological and mechanical solidarity
D. None of these

482. Society is a complex organization of parts that function to fulfil the requirements and promote the needs of the whole is a concept of________________?
A. structural functionalism
B. interaction school of thought
C. Phenom ology
D. None of these

483. Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag ?
A. William F. Ogbum
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Auguste Comte
D. Thorstein Veblen

484. The Communist Manifesto was written by____________?
A. Karl Marx and Georg Hegel
B. George Herbert Mead and Jane Addams
C. Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx
D. Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton

485. Which of the following sociology never wrote a book and about whose thoughts most of our knowledge is presented in an edited volume of his lectures published by his students after his death ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Karl Marx
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Weber

486. Robert Merton,s contributions to sociology include______________?
A. successfully combining theory and research
B. an analysis of deviant behavior that focuses on societal goals and means
C. an attempt to bring macro- and micro
D. all of the above

487. In his study of suicide Emile Durkheim was primarily concerned with________________?
A. suicide rates and how they varied from country to country
B. personalities of individual suicide victims
C. means people used to take their own lives
D. effects of suicide on the families of victims

488. The survival of the fittest was the concept presented by_______________?
A. Marx
B. Durkheim
C. Herbert Spencer
D. None of these

489. The sociology was simply the Science of Social facts is the view of______________?
A. Marx
B. Weber
C. Durkheim
D. All of above

490. According to Marx Capitalism replaced feudalism and itself will be displaced by_____________?
A. Feudalism
B. communism
C. Economic equalitarianism
D. None of these