All these Physiology MCQs are specially framed to strengthen the conceptual understanding of different biology topics. Human Physiology MCQ with answers covers multiple concepts such as human digestion, nervous system, human reproduction, body fluids and circulation, breathing and exchange of gases, renal System, respiratory System, Git and Liver, endocrinology, locomotor and moment in human Sense Organs, Reflex Actions, Spinal Nerve, Physiology of Urine Formation, insulin physiology – and much more. All these topics are chosen from trusted and best reference books on physiology. These physiology MCQs with answers are also helpful for the preparation of various interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Pharmacology here.

71. Which of the following is called hunger hormone______________?

A. Epinephrine
B. Glucagon
C. Pituitary
D. Thyroxine

72. Posterior pituitary insufficiency leads to______________?

A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Diabetes insipidus
C. Dwarfism
D. Cretinism

73. The blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus is decreased by removal of the______________?

A. Thyroid
B. Parathyroids
C. Anterior pituitary
D. Posterior pituitary

74. Adrenaline used for controlling of bleeding during surgery may result in________________?

A. Syncope
B. Cardiac arrhythmias
C. Drastic fall in blood pressure
D. Precipitation of allergic reaction

75. The primary effect of calcitonin is__________________?

A. Bone deposition
B. Bone resorption
C. Increases intestinal absorption of calcium
D. Decreases intestinal absorption of calcium

76. The decreased phosphate level seen in hyper parathyroidism is due to ________________?

A. Decreased intestinal phosphate absorption
B. Increased calcium excretion
C. Decreased renal phosphate absorption
D. Increased loss of phosphate in urine

77. The hormone whose deficiency causes diabetes insipidus is released from which nucleus of pituitary ________________?

A. Supraoptic
B. Pre optic
C. Suprachiasmatic
D. Paraventricular

78. Aldosterone production is controlled by _____________?

A. Anterior pituitary gland
B. Posterior pituitary gland
C. Hypothalamus
D. Adrenal gland

79. Hormones, which stimulate spermatogenesis, are______________?

A. Insulin and glucagon
B. Thyroxine and parathormone
C. A.D.H. and Oxytocin
D. Testosterone and F.S. H

80. Which of the following results due to excessive parathormone secretion_______________?

A. Increased excretion of phosphates
B. Increased serum calcium
C. Decrease excretion of calcium
D. Increase excretion of calcium