1261. The major control region for initiation of voluntary movements of the body is the :

A. Somatosensory area
B. Premotor area
C. Primary motor area *
D. Basal ganglia
E. Hypothalamus

1262. The receptor cells for the smell sensation are the olfactory cells which are :

A. Unipolar nerve cells derived from the CNS
B. Bipolar nerve cells dervied from CNS *
C. Unipolar nerve cells not derived from the CNS
D. Bipolar nerve cells not derived fron the CNS

1263. The middle ear is the portion of the ear internal to the eardrum, and external to the oval window of the cochlea. All the following statements about it are true except :

A. It lies lateral to round window
B. It is connected O2 to tissues
C. Its air provides O2 to tissues *
D. It amplifies sound waves

1264. Hemi section of spinal cord at C7 on right side would not be associated with :

A. Loss of pain sensation on opposite side
B. Loss of pressure sensation on same side
C. Respiratory failure *
D. Loss of tactile sansation on opposite side

1265. The hair cells in the semicircular ducts are stimulated by :

A. Movement of perlymph
B. Linear acceleration
C. Rotation at constant velocity
D. Angular acceleration and deceleration *

1266. Scanning speech is the feature of the cerebellar disease . This phenomina is called :

A. Dysmetria
B. Dysarthria *
C. Hypotonia
D. Aphasia

1267. Bitter taste receptors are :

A. Epithelial sodium channels
B. Hydrogen ion channels
C. Glutamate receptor
D. G. Protein linked *

1268. Damage to cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone would result in loss of :

A. Vision
B. Sensory sensation on opposit half of the face
C. Sense of smell *
D. Aphasia

1269. A scientist selectively damages the lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus for his experiment . The mos likely affected sensory function of the experimental animal would be :

A. Hearing
B. Vision *
C. Olfaction
D. Light touch

1270. In the stretch reflex the relaxation of antgonist muscle is due to :

A. Presynaptic inhibition
B. IA fiber stimulation
C. Reciprocal innervation *
D. Indirect inhibition