961 . Pulmonary vasoconstriction occur in the following circumstances EXCEPT:
A. Hypoxia
B. Sympathetic outflow
C. High altitude
D. Alkalosis
E. All of the above

962. The functions of lung include:
A. Blood reservoir
B. Blood filter
C. Activation of angiotensin I
D. Synthesis of IgA & phospholipids
E. All of the above

963. Vasoactive substances inactivated in the lung include:
A. Bradykinin
B. Serotonin
C. Noradrenaline
D. Prostaglandin
E. All of the aboveĀ 

964. Normal A-a gradient is:
A. <4mmHg
B. 4-8 mmHg
C. 8-12 mmHg
D. 12-16 mmHg
E. 16-20 mmHg

965. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
A. Hypoventilation due to barbiturate overdose can lead to increased A-a gradient.
B. Hypoxia due to shunting cannot be abolished with 100% oxygen.
C. Hypercarbia occurs in shunting.
D. Pulmonary embolus can result in low V IQ in the region of lung involved.
E. All of the above

966. The amount of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood with Pa02 of 100mmHg is:
A. 0.03 ml 02/1 OOml blood.
B. 0.3 ml 02/100ml blood.
C. 3 ml 0211 00ml blood.
D. 30 ml 02/100ml blood.
E. None of the above

967. In a normal person with HblSgm/100ml, Sa02 97%, Pa02 100 mmHg, the blood oxygen concentration will be:
A. 1.39 ml 02 x lSgHbllOOml x 97%
B. 1.39 ml 02 X lSgHb/100ml x 97% + 100 mmHg
C. 1.39 ml 02 x lSgHb/ lOOml + 100 mmHg
D. 1.39 ml 02X lSgHb/ 1 00 ml x 97% + 100 mmHg x 0.03 ml02/mmHg
E. None of the above

968. Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right by:
A. Hypothermia
B. Alkalosis
C. Hypercarbia
D. Decreased 2,3 DPG
E. All of the above.

969. The main bulk of carbon dioxide in the body is in the fonn of:
A. Dissolved C02
B. Bicarbonate
C. Carbamino compound
D. None of the above

970. The following will reduce lung compliance EXCEPT:
A. Pulmonary congestion
B. Pulmonary fibrosis
C. Alveolar oedema
D. Emphysema
E. Atelectasis