1161. A 35 years old man had a road traffic accident and had multiple injuries mostly to the face. CT scan showed fractured cribriform plate of the skull .What symptom he is most likely to develop ?

A. Anosmia *
B. Hyperosmia
C. Loss of vision
D. Parosmia
E. Presbycusis

1162. Which of the following would result from stimulation of the anterior hypthalamus ?

A. Decreased gut motility
B. Increased blood pressure
C. Increased secretion of vasopressin
D. Sympathetic activation
E. Vasodilation *

1163. The fovea centralis all are true except:

A. Is located where the visual axis touches the retina.
B. Is not crossed by any majored blood vessel
C. Is the thickest part of retina *
D. Lies on the worldly side of optic circle

1164. Stimulation of which of following areas of hypothalamus leads to increased blood pressure and increased heart rate regulation :

A. Posterior and lateral hypothalamus *
B. Posterior and medial hypothalamus
C. Anterior and lateral hypothalamus
D. Anterior and medial hypothalamus

1165. When we hear a very loud sound which of the following intra-autricular muscle is responsible for preventing the damaging effects of this sound on the ear :

A. Stapedius muscle *
B. Zygomaticus muscle
C. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
D. Occipitofrontalis muscle
E. Masscter muscles

1166. Amplifying type of divergence occurs in :

A. Thalamus
B. Dorsal column of spinal cord
C. Corticospinal tract *
D. Cerebellum
E. Cerebrospinal tract

1167. If a person is suffering from conductive deafnes, his Rinne’s test will be :

A. Negative
B. Positive *
C. Lateralized
D. Cant differentitae conductive deafness with tunning fork tests
E. None of the above

1168. Which of the following taste senses is the most sensitive :

A. Bitter *
B. Sour
C. Salty
D. Urnami
E. Sweet

1169. Spike and dome pattern of brain waves occur :

A. Deep sleep
B. Frustration
C. Petit mal epilepsy *
D. Grand mal epilepsy

1170. Blood flow to the brain :

A. Is extremely sensitive to local pH levels *
B. Is increased following traumatic brain injury
C. Is largely under sympathetic control
D. Is unaffected by the magnitude of instracranial pressure
E.May account for up to 25% of cardiac output