All these Physiology MCQs are specially framed to strengthen the conceptual understanding of different biology topics. Human Physiology MCQ with answers covers multiple concepts such as human digestion, nervous system, human reproduction, body fluids and circulation, breathing and exchange of gases, renal System, respiratory System, Git and Liver, endocrinology, locomotor and moment in human Sense Organs, Reflex Actions, Spinal Nerve, Physiology of Urine Formation, insulin physiology – and much more. All these topics are chosen from trusted and best reference books on physiology. These physiology MCQs with answers are also helpful for the preparation of various interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Pharmacology here.

241. Test for estimating kidney function is_______________?

A. Serum creatinine
B. Serum phosphatase
C. Inulin test
D. Insulin test

242. A decrease in the urine output is called_____________?

A. Dysuria
B. Nocturia
C. Oliguria
D. Plyuria

243. The end plate potential is characterized by_____________?

A. Propagation
B. All or none law
C. Depolarization
D. Hyper polarization

244. Potassium is maximum in_____________?

A. Cell
B. Plasma
C. Interstitium
D. Bone

245. In excitable cells, repolarization is closely associated with, one of the following events_______________?

A. Na effux
B. Na influx
C. K efflux
D. K influx

246. Maximum amount of glucose absorption occurs at_______________?

C. Loop of henle
D. None

247. Functional unit of kidney is______________?

A. Nephron
B. Glomerulus
C. Collecting ducts
D. Loop of Henle

248. Brush border is seen in________________?

A. Bowman’s capsule
B. Proximal convoluted tubule
C. Distal convoluted tubule
D. Loop of Henle

249. In the human kidney, a renal papilla project directly into the_______________?

A. Ureter
B. Major calyx
C. Minor calyx
D. Renal pyramid

250. Renin is released from the kidney in all except________________?

A. Sympathetic stimulation
B. Decrease in the concentration of sodium ions in the proximal tubules
C. Decrease in the concentration of sodium ions in the distal tubules
D. Fall in the BP