1291. Which of the following waves are recorded in EEG during Deep sleep :

A. Alpha Waves
B. Beta Waves
C. Delta Waves *
D. Gamma Waves

1292. Taste Bud :

A. All the taste cells are of same age centimeter and a length of about 1/16 millimeter
B. Is composed of about 50 Modified epithelial cells, all of of which are taste cells
C. Microvilli are bigger than taste hairs
D. Microvilli of taste buds provide the receptor surface for taste *

1293. Basilar membrane and resonance in the Cochlea:

A. It separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli
B. It contains 20,000 to 30,000 Basilar fibers
C. Basilar Fibers are stiff, hard and inelastic , structures *
D. Basilar fibers are fixed at both ends

1294. Loss of sensation of taste is called :

A. Anosmia
B. Hyposmia
C. Dysomia
D. Ageusea *

1295. The organ of corti is :

A. Saccule
B. Utricle
C. Crista ampullaris
D. Cochlea *

1296. The region associated with maximum visual acuity is :

A. Ciliary body
B. Optic disc
C. Fovea centralis *
D. Lamina vitrea

1297. Almost all pathways from the sensory receptors and sensory organs to the cortex pass through thalamus, with the principal exception of some sensory pathways of :

A. Hearing
B. Olfaction *
C. Touch
D. Vibration

1298. A patient who presents with an intention tremor, ” past- pointing” and a “drunken” galt might be expected to have a lesion involving which part of the brain :

A. Cerebellum *
B. Medulla
C. Cortical motor strip
D. Basal Ganglia

1299. The sympathetic response in a “flight or flight” reaction causes a decrease in which of the following ?

A. The arterial blood pressure
B. The diameter of the pupil
C. The resistance of the airways *
D. The heart rate

1300. Lesions of chorda tympani would result in impaired :

A. Vestibular functions
B. Olfactory functions
C. Taste Functions *
D. Auditory Functions