1281. Dementia in huntington’s disease is caused by loss of :

A. Gaba neurons
B. Glutamate neurons
C. Acetylocholine neurons *
D. Dopamine neurons
E. Glutamic acid neurons

1282. Which of the following will not cause headache ?

A. Cutting th sensory area of cerebral cortex
B. Damaging the tentorium
C. Stretching stimulus to blood vessels of meninges
D. Stretching the dura at the base of the brain
E. Tugging on the venous sinuses around brain *

1283. Which of the following areas is responsible for motor control of vocalization and actual act of vocalization ?

A. Broca’s area *
B. Limbic association area
C. Parieto-occipitotemporal area
D. Prefrontal association area
E. Wemick’s area

1284. Which one of the following is not true regarding the parasympathetic preganlionic fibers ?

A. The innervation of ascending colon and rectum is from spinal cord level S-2 and S-3
B. They are knonw as perganglionic cholinergic fibers
C. They secrete acetylocholine only
D. Their synapses with postganglionic fibers are in close proximity to the viscer
E. They take origin from the cerebral cortex *

1285. During REM sleep waves seen on EEG are _______waves :

A. Alpha
B. Beta *
C. Delta
D. Gamma
E. All of the above

1286. Depolarization of hair cells in cochlea is caused primarily by flow of which ions into hair cells:

A. Ca++
B. Cl-
C. K+ *
D. Mg++
E. Na+

1287. Olfactory receptor cells are :

A. Axons
B. Dendrites
C. Bipolar neurons *
D. Not replaced
E. Located in temporal lobe

1288. Which of the following is correctly paired with regards to adrenergic receptors and function ?

A. Cardioacceleration : [52 receptors
B. Intestinal relaxation :Pi receptor
C. Lipolysis: { 52 receptors
D. Uterus relaxation : { 52 receptors *
E. Vasodilation : Alpha receptors

1289. With regards to characteristics of CSF :

A. It is colorless and transparent *
B. It is almost clear
C. Its osmotic pressure is more than that of plasma
D. Its reaction is acidic
E. Its specific gravity is 1500

1290. Visceral pain :

A. Shows relatively rapid adaptation
B. Is mediated by B fibers in dorsal roots of spinal nerves
C. Is poorly localized *
d. Causes relaxation of nearby skeletal muscles